Adopted 15 November 1992. Amended 20 June 1993, 26 September 1994, 16 January 2005, 22 January 2006, 22 July 2012 and 21 October 2012.
- Title
- Objects
- Membership
- Organisation
- Administration
- Annual General Meetings
- Procedures For Meetings
- Veto
- Finance
- Disciplinary Procedures
- General
- Etiquette
- Gradings
- Other
1a: The title of the organisation shall be the SANDOKAI KARATE ASSOCIATION, hereafter known as SANDOKAI.
2a: SANDOKAI was formed in 1992 as a non-profit making organisation to promote Karate at National and International level, and to further the art and sport of Karate-do.
2b: SANDOKAI shall provide it's members with such services and support as may be available through their membership of SANDOKAI.
2c: SANDOKAI shall do such things that are conducive or incidental to the furtherance of the objectives of SANDOKAI.
3a: Membership shall consist of those karate-ka who have completed a SANDOKAI application form and hold a current licence issued by the SANDOKAI registrar.
4a: SANDOKAI shall be run by the Association Officers and the Senior Assembly.
4b: The Senior Assembly shall consist of all members of 3rd Kyu and above.
4c: The Officers of the Association shall consist of ...
- The Chief Instructor,
- The Senior Instructor,
- The Chief Examiner,
- The Treasurer,
- The Registrar.
4d: A quorum for a meeting of the Senior Assembly shall consist of fifty percent of the Association Officers. Voting will be by simple majority of the available votes present. Each member of the Senior Assembly will have one vote, with the exception of the Chair who does not have a vote except in the circumstances of a tie, in which situation the Chair will have the casting vote.
4e: The Senior Assembly shall be responsible for ...
- Carrying out the objects of SANDOKAI.
- Formation of policy for SANDOKAI.
- Imposing disciplinary measures and sanctions.
- Making levies upon members for financial contributions, obtaining funds, and disbursement of funds, assets, and equipment at the Senior Assembly's discretion.
- Proposal of members for the positions of Chief Examiner, Registrar, and Treasurer.
- Reimbursement of expenses to any Officer or agent of SANDOKAI.
4f: No member of SANDOKAI, Officer of SANDOKAI or member of the Senior Assembly may gain pecuniary advantage as a result of their position.
4g: No expenditures may be incurred by any Officer or agent of SANDOKAI other than reasonable expenses, unless such expenditure has been approved by the Senior Assembly.
5a: The Senior Assembly shall meet a minimum of two times per year for the dispatch of business. Meetings or Special Meetings shall be held on notice from the Chair or any two or more Officers.
5b: Notice of Senior Assembly meetings and an agenda shall be circulated prior to the meeting. The agenda shall state the general particulars of the meeting, and shall include “Any Other Business”. Non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the meeting.
5c: The Chair may invite any person(s) to attend and/or address the meeting, subject to the approval of the other members.
6a: An Annual General meeting shall be held each year. All members of SANDOKAI shall be eligible to attend and address the meeting.
6b: The precise date and venue of the Annual General Meeting shall be at the discretion of the Senior Assembly.
6c: The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be ...
- The submission of the accounts for the last financial year.
- The submission of Annual Reports.
- Election of Officers.
- Any Other Business.
7a: The Chair shall consist of the Chief Instructor, who shall conduct the meetings according to these procedures and ensure that meetings are conducted in an orderly fashion. Any member may seek the Chair's ruling on points of order at any time, such points of order being disposed of immediately.
7b: In the absence of the Chief Instructor the Senior Instructor will assume the Chair. In the absence of both the Chief Instructor and the Senior Instructor, the meeting will elect a Chair from those members present.
7c: The Chair shall ensure that all who vote are entitled to do so. Proxy votes are only permitted in exceptional circumstances, and at the discretion of the Chair.
7d: The Chair shall ensure that all items are proposed and seconded before being put to the vote, and that the proposer has right of reply after a vote has been carried.
7e: All persons wishing to speak shall address the Chair, who shall decide the order of speakers.
7f: These procedures may, in part or in whole, be suspended during a meeting on a resolution agreed by a majority of those attending.
8a: The discussion of a topic may be vetoed if the majority of the members present feel inadequately briefed on the topic. It is at the sole discretion of the Chair to implement the veto. No further veto may be imposed on the topic at subsequent meetings.
9a: All funds and monies raised by Association activities shall be placed under the control of the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for financial control and the maintenance of adequate and accurate records.
9b: The Treasurer shall have expenditure authority of one hundred pounds without reference to, or requirement of ratification from, the General Council on any single item of purchase. All such purchases shall be placed before the next Senior Assembly meeting for the information of the members. The level of authority may be adjusted annually at the Annual General Meeting.
9c: All other expenditures shall be brought before the Senior Assembly.
10a: Should the Senior Assembly receive complaint about the conduct of a member of SANDOKAI, or have reason to call the conduct of a member into question, a disciplinary subcommittee shall be formed from two members of the Senior Assembly to investigate the complaint.
10b: A member of the disciplinary subcommittee shall visit the person under complaint and inform him or her of the nature of the complaint, and arrange a date for disciplinary hearing.
10c: The person under complaint shall have the option to be represented, appear in person (with or without a representative), or submit a written explanation to the disciplinary subcommittee.
10d: The disciplinary subcommittee shall review all evidence and recommend a course of action. A copy of their report shall be sent to the person under investigation, who has the right to appeal to the Senior Assembly within twenty eight days.
10e: The Senior Assembly shall decide on an appropriate course of action based on the report of the disciplinary subcommittee and the member's appeal (if any). Written notification of their decision shall be sent to the person under investigation.
10f: Penalties available to the Senior Assembly include suspension, censure or expulsion.
10g: Any member convicted of a crime of violence must inform an Officer of the Association within twenty one days of the said conviction for consideration by the Senior Assembly. Failure to do so will result in automatic expulsion from the Association.
11a: The financial year of SANDOKAI shall run from 1st April to March 31st inclusive.
11b: Any alterations to the Rules and Constitution shall require a seventy percent majority of members present, and can only be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Senior Assembly held for that purpose. Alterations made at Special Meetings must be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting.
11c: Any resolution for the dissolution of SANDOKAI shall require a seventy percent majority of members present at an Annual General Meeting. If, upon the dissolution of SANDOKAI, there remain any funds or assets after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities these shall be distributed among such charitable bodies as are deemed appropriate by the Senior Assembly. No member shall receive any remaining funds.
12a: In the Dojo, all members will refer to senior grades of
- 1st and 2nd Dan as Sempai,
- 3rd, 4th and 5th Dan as Sensei,
- 6th Dan and above as either Sensei or Shihan.
12b: All members should show respect for the Dojo, other members and visiting members from other associations.
12c: Members will wear the traditional SANDOKAI uniform, which consists of an all white Gi, a belt appropriate to their grade and may wear a solitary Association or National Karate badge on the left breast. The uniform should be clean and fit properly.
12d: In response to Child Protection guidelines, suitable underwear should be worn at all times under gi bottoms for purposes of hygiene, safety and decorum. Females may wear a plain white T-shirt under their Gi.
12e: Footwear is not permitted without the prior permission of the senior grade.
12f: The only exceptions to points 12c, 12d and 12e are outdoor courses, where the Course Director will indicate the appropriate attire.
12g: Members must ensure that their hands and feet are clean, and that toe and finger nails are cut sensibly.
12h: Jewellery is forbidden during training. If it is not possible to remove particular items then they should be taped to render them safe.
13a: All persons taking a grading examination must hold a current licence issued by the Governing Body.
13b: It is the student's obligation to ensure that their licence is current prior to the grading as no licences will be issued on the day of the grading examination.
13c: Grading examinations will only be held at group gradings by Official SANDOKAI Examiners, with the exception of sections 13c[1] and 13c[2] below.
13c[1]: Any student unable to grade due to illness or injury may grade in a dojo with a panel of (at least) three examiners within two weeks of the normal grading examination with the approval of the Chief Examiner.
13c[2]: Members who are not able to do a complete grading in one session may be graded at their own club in "sections" prior to the grading, but will have to attend the grading to be formally passed and receive their certificate. However, students should be encouraged to take a full grading examination at a group grading if it is feasible to do so.
13c[3]: Sections 13c[1] and 13c[2] above apply only to beginners and white belts being graded to 8th/7th Kyu. Higher grades are expected to attend the group gradings as scheduled.
13d: Group gradings are held approximately every three months.
13e: Members are required to take formal grading examinations up to and including Sandan.
13f: Students will be graded by a panel of three Official Examiners. If more than three Official Examiners sit on a panel, then there must be an odd number of Official Examiners to avoid tied decisions in marginal cases.
13g: All members awarded a Dan grade must fulfil the following criteria ...
![]() | SIX MONTHS |
![]() | TWO YEARS |
![]() | THREE YEARS |
![]() | FOUR YEARS |
![]() | FIVE YEARS |
![]() | SIX YEARS |
![]() | SEVEN YEARS |
![]() | EIGHT YEARS |
![]() | NINE YEARS |
![]() | TEN YEARS |
13h: All members awarded a senior grade must also fulfil the following attendance requirements at the monthly Senior Grade training sessions.
- A kyu grade sempai must attend at least eight sessions prior to taking Shodan.
- A Shodan must attend at least fifteen sessions prior to taking Nidan.
- A Nidan must attend at least twenty-four sessions prior to taking Sandan.
- Sandan and above do not take formal gradings, but attendance will be considered when the Senior Awards Panel make their decisions.
13i: No person shall be awarded a grade higher than SHODAN unless they have attained sixteen years of age, except in the case of an exceptional student who has been recommended to the Senior Assembly for promotion, and the Senior Assembly agrees with the recommendation.
13j: The requirements for Official Examiner status are ...
- The member has been a Dan grade for a minimum of one year.
- The member has sat on at least two grading panels as an observer.
- The Chief Instructor has been satisfied as to the member's competence as an Official Examiner.
13k: All gradings are overseen by the Chief Examiner, who has the responsibility for ensuring all administration is completed accurately prior to, during and after the grading examination. The Chief Examiner also decides which Official Examiners sit on the panel(s), and who chairs each panel. The Chief Examiner is also required to maintain records of all grading examinations, records of Official Examiners' participation in grading examinations and liaise with the Chief Instructor as to the suitability of any person to be an Official Examiner.
13l: Higher Dan grade awards are not automatic promotions, the merits and contributions of each Sensei being considered individually by the Senior Awards Panel. The Senior Awards Panel will consist of the three most senior grades in the Association, and will (usually) consist of the Chief Instructor, Senior instructor and Chief Examiner. The Senior Awards Panel will meet at least once a year to consider possible candidates for promotion.
13m: In all matters relating to the conduct of grading examinations the Chief Examiner's decision is final.
14a: No person under the age of eighteen shall open or run a SANDOKAI Karate club.
14b: All club instructors and assistant instructors should have Instructors Indemnity Insurance and an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau disclosure.
14c: All Dan grades are expected to maintain and improve their own standards.
14d: All Dan grades should be aware that they are representatives of SANDOKAI when visiting other Dojo, attending competitions or taking part in some public activity, and should act accordingly.